Edwin Ezparza

Edwin Ezparza

Professional web advocate. Certified food lover. Hardcore social media evangelist. Analyst. Friendly twitter scholar.

31 Author´s Articles
The Benefits and Uses of Topical Creams and Ointments for Oral Herpes

The Benefits and Uses of Topical Creams and Ointments for Oral Herpes

Oral herpes is a highly contagious virus that affects millions of people around the world. Although there is no cure for...

Blood Test to Detect the Virus: A Comprehensive Overview

Blood Test to Detect the Virus: A Comprehensive Overview

With the increasing prevalence of virus infections, the need for accurate and timely detection has become more important...

Blisters on the Tongue and Gums: What You Need to Know

Blisters on the Tongue and Gums: What You Need to Know

Are you dealing with blisters on your tongue and gums? Unpleasant and painful, these sores can be a symptom of oral...

Diagnosing Sores and Blisters: A Physical Examination

Diagnosing Sores and Blisters: A Physical Examination

Sores and blisters can appear on the skin for a variety of reasons, and it can be difficult to diagnose their cause...

Itching and Burning - A Comprehensive Overview

Itching and Burning - A Comprehensive Overview

Itching and burning are two of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms associated with genital herpes. From the...

Surgical Treatments for Genital Herpes

Surgical Treatments for Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause painful and uncomfortable symptoms. While there is no...

Understanding Cold Sores on the Lips

Understanding Cold Sores on the Lips

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are small, painful lesions that can occur on or around the lips. They can be...

Antiviral Medications for Oral Herpes Treatments

Antiviral Medications for Oral Herpes Treatments

Herpes is a virus that can cause painful blisters and sores, which can be an unpleasant and uncomfortable experience....

Natural Remedies for Treating Oral Herpes

Natural Remedies for Treating Oral Herpes

Are you struggling with oral herpes? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from this...

A Comprehensive Overview of Using Condoms for Herpes Prevention

A Comprehensive Overview of Using Condoms for Herpes Prevention

If you have been diagnosed with herpes, it is essential to take steps to protect yourself and your partner from further...

Blood Test to Detect the Virus

Blood Test to Detect the Virus

As the world continues to grapple with the spread of the novel coronavirus, researchers have been hard at work looking...

Understanding Fever and Body Aches

Understanding Fever and Body Aches

When you're feeling under the weather, fever and body aches can be symptoms of something more serious. It's important to...

Visual Inspection of Sores or Blisters

Visual Inspection of Sores or Blisters

The visual inspection of sores or blisters is a crucial step in diagnosing oral herpes. While it can be challenging to...

The Importance of Frequent Hand Washing for Oral Herpes Prevention

The Importance of Frequent Hand Washing for Oral Herpes Prevention

It is essential to practice good hygiene to reduce the risk of developing oral herpes, a common and highly contagious...

Everything You Need to Know About Swab Test of an Active Sore or Blister

Everything You Need to Know About Swab Test of an Active Sore or Blister

If you have an active sore or blister, it may be important to get a swab test done in order to accurately diagnose the...

Vaccines: What You Need to Know for Genital Herpes Prevention

Vaccines: What You Need to Know for Genital Herpes Prevention

Vaccines are an important tool in the prevention of genital herpes, a sexually transmitted infection that can cause...

Understanding Swab Tests of Active Sores or Blisters

Understanding Swab Tests of Active Sores or Blisters

Having an active sore or blister can be a worrying experience, and it is important to understand what tests may be needed ...

How to Avoid Sharing Utensils and Personal Items to Prevent Herpes

How to Avoid Sharing Utensils and Personal Items to Prevent Herpes

Sharing utensils or personal items can put you at risk of catching herpes. Whether it’s sharing a drinking straw, lip...

The Debate on Abstinence or Monogamy: What is the Best Way to Prevent Genital Herpes?

The Debate on Abstinence or Monogamy: What is the Best Way to Prevent Genital Herpes?

Herpes is a common virus that can be spread through intimate contact, causing genital herpes, which can have severe...

Preventing Contact with Sores or Blisters

Preventing Contact with Sores or Blisters

While sores and blisters may seem like a minor issue, they can be a source of serious health concerns. Unchecked, sores...

Understanding Painful Blisters and Sores

Understanding Painful Blisters and Sores

Painful blisters and sores are a common symptom of genital herpes, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). ...

Understanding Flu-Like Symptoms

Understanding Flu-Like Symptoms

Flu-like symptoms can be difficult to diagnose and understand. It can be especially confusing when you don't know what to ...

A Comprehensive Overview of Antiviral Medications

A Comprehensive Overview of Antiviral Medications

Antiviral medications are a powerful tool in the fight against infectious diseases like the herpes virus. With the right...

The Benefits of Topical Creams and Ointments for Genital Herpes Treatment

The Benefits of Topical Creams and Ointments for Genital Herpes Treatment

The genital herpes virus can be a difficult condition to manage, leading to recurring outbreaks of painful blisters and...